Conference "Agency, Fate and Luck: Themes from Bernard Williams"

Click the following link to YouTube to watch the talks:

Invited Speakers:

Stephen Darwall (Yale University)

Miranda Fricker (City University of New York)

Ulrike Heuer (University College London)

Brian Leiter (University of Chicago)

Gideon Rosen (Princeton University)

Selected speakers:

Stephen Bero (Surrey) & Aness Webster (Nottingham): "Asking Too Much of Shame"
Lorenzo Greco (Oxford): "The View from Here: Williams on the First-Personal Point of View and Individuality"
Bob Hartman (Stockholm): "Moral Luck and Compassion"
Agata Łukomska (Warsaw): "Bernard Williams on Acting with Moral Confidence"
Geraldine Ng (Reading): "Blame, Internal Reasons, and ‘Hard Cases’"
Lilian O'Brien (Helsinki): "Acting Without Thinking"
Matthieu Queloz (Basel): "The Self-Effacing Functionality of Blame"
Marcel van Ackeren (Oxford): "Virtues, Luck and Fate"

Distinguished chairs:

Adrian Moore (Oxford) and Sophie-Grace Chappell (Open University)

Invited chairs:

Chong Ming Lim (Oxford); Trystan Goetze (Sheffield); Giulia Luvisotto (Warwick); and Daniel Telech (Polonsky Academy)

Special Guest:

Patricia Williams

Conference Organizers:

Paul Russell (Lund & British Columbia); András Szigeti (Linköping & Lund)

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