Workshop with Elinor Mason

LGRP Spring Workshop 2018
5-6 March 2018
Venue: Stora konferensrummet, 8th Floor, Lundgrensgatan 7
Workshop with Elinor Mason on her forthcoming book Ways to be Blameworthy: An Account of the Relationship between Moral Concepts and Responsibility (Oxford University Press). Commentators include Gunnar Björnsson (Stockholm, Gothenburg), Krister Bykvist (Stockholm), Andreas Brekke Carlsson (Oslo), Ragnar Francén (Gothenburg), Robert Hartman (Gothenburg), Kristin Mickelson (Gothenburg) and András Szigeti (Linköping).
Elinor Mason is a Senior Lecturer in philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. She has broad interests in moral philosophy, ranging across normative ethics, moral responsibility, feminism, meta-ethics and practical ethics.
If you are interested in attending please contact Gunnar Björnsson.
Monday, March 5
10:45–12:00 1. Introduction (Elinor Mason, Edinburgh)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:15 2. Subjective rightness (Krister Bykvist, Stockholm)
14:15-14:45 Coffee break
14:45–16:00 3. Trying to do well by morality (Ragnar Francén, Gothenburg)
16:00-16:15 Break
16:15–17:30 4. Ordinary praise- and blameworthiness (Andras Szigeti, Linköping)

Tuesday, March 6
10:45–12:00 5. Praise and blame (Andreas Brekke Carlsson, Oslo)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:15 6. Excuses (Gunnar Björnsson, Stockholm, Gothenburg)
14:15-14:45 Coffee break
14:45–16:00 7. Exemptions (Kristin Mickelson, Gothenburg)
16:00-16:15 Break
16:15–17:30 8. Taking responsibility (Robert Hartman, Gothenburg)
18:30- Workshop dinner
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